Side events

Free attendance for a limited number of participants upon reservation, first come first served.

Stats Under the Stars (SUS), a satellite event of the SIS conference, is a hackathon open to national and international MSc or PhD students (an undergraduate degree is suggested, but not compulsory) and young Statisticians and Data Scientists. The participants work in teams and have a full night to compete in the analysis of a real-world analytics problem.

More information about the challenge (rules, program, registration, venue etc.) will be published in the next weeks.

Attendance for a limited number of participants upon reservation and payment, first come first served.

The satellite meeting will focus on SAFE-AI: statistical methods that can measure the quality of machine learning models, especially in terms of Sustainability, Accuracy, Fairness and Explainability. The presented papers could be submitted to a dedicated issue of the journal “Statistics” of Taylor and Francis.